​​björn snowsport
​​Ski and Snowboard training with style
List of Exercises for rotation
Is about upper and lower body steering as well as spinning.
Lower Body Steering
- Bow Tie
without board turn the whole leg to create a bow tie shape with your boot in the snow
show difference between a straight and a flexed knee
with board on: step on board
behind the board heelside edge
in front of the board toeside edge
- J Turn 1 or 2 footed
- Garland focus on steering the board out off the falline with front knee steering
- Point front knee where you want to go
Outlining the nose of the board with front knee
Torch on front knee
Gun on front knee
Laser on front knee
Front leg as joystick
- Hands on knee especially heelside turns
- Dwarf turns
to show clients, how much more powerful a flexed knee is compared to an
extended (giant turn)
Upper Body Rotation
- Point where you want to go
- Look where you want to go
- Water Bucket
- Drawing an 8
- Hands on Jacket (Also good to stop or feel their counter rotation, but first give them the tool for steering)
Hands on Pants
Hands behind the back (Toe side turn)
front hand in front and back hand behind the back (Heel side turn)
front hand behind the back and back hand in front (Toe side turn)
- Giant Turns
to show clients, that a tall position might cause them to use upper body rotation
- Dwarf turns
work with upper body rotation begin with and then bring in lower body steering
- J Turn 1 or 2 footed more powerful less precise
- Powder Turns (turns in powder)
Slush Turns (similar to powder but for Slush)
upper body rotation a good tool to add more power to the steering in a turn
Counter Rotation
- Hockey Stop / Quick Stop
- Scissor Slipping
- Shifty Airs
stationary / in motion
- Shifty Flatland
stationary / not recommended while in motion due to catching an edge
- Nose and Tail Turns
stationary / in motion
- Butters
stationary / in motion
- for hop or jump 180° / 360° / 540° etc
stationary / in motion
Centered Pivot
- Scissor Slipping
- Pivot Slips
with focus on aligned board and body
- Pivot Slips
with focus on anticipation
- Flat Land 360°
Separation & Anticipation
- Boardslides
in motion
- using your gloves how anticipation works
(spine/core is the glove which stores energy like a spring)
- Front hand pointing down the hill
- Pivot Slips
- Short Turns
very skidded almost like a pivot slip
Turn Shape
- Dead Stop Turns
- Back up Turns
Jigsaw Turns
- Funnel
Tornado Turns
Hourglass Turns
- Closed Turns
for speed control
- Open Turns
to gain speed on flatter terrain
Rhythm and Flow
- Counting
- Follow the Leader
- Funnel
Tornado Turns
- Powder 8 Turns
Team up and try to create an 8 with your tracks
One vs the other
- Upper Body vs Lower Body
- Counter Rotation vs Rotation
- Anticipation v. Aligned
- Dwarf vs Giant
- Open vs Closed Turns
Other ways to Turn
- Back foot kick
fun for spray turns in powder and slush but also tiring and inefficient
- Counter rotation turns
good for quick stops / hockey stops
tiring not good for rhythm and flow
can be stressful on the body and can cause back ache